Sunday, January 26, 2020
Strategies to Meet Energy Demands in the UK
Strategies to Meet Energy Demands in the UK 1.0 Introduction The question of how Britain will be able to meet its energy demand in the next 10 10 years is a matter of concern for the British Government. With aging nuclear plants, replacing these with cleaner and more energy efficiency plants is going to be a challenge. This dissertation aims to investigate the governments proposals to construct a new generation of nuclear plants and rely more on renewable technologies, whilst meeting the energy demand in next 10 20 years and cutting C02 emissions. 1.1 Aims If Government proposals for new nuclear plants and renewable technologies will be able to meet Britains energy demands 1.2 Objectives Is the current proposals the only answer Can they meet their targets of cutting C02 emissions whilst meeting demand Will they be able to construct the nuclear plants on time Have all issues been addressed, such as safety concerns when considering constructing the nuclear plant. Should renewables have a bigger contribution 1.3 Rationale The British Government have been concerned with the gap of meeting the British demand in the next 10 20 years. With aging nuclear plants and questions surrounding what is going replace these, and the commitment of meeting targets to cut C02 emissions. The government has proposed to build a new generation of nuclear power stations and rely more on renewable energy to meet these demands. The conversational decision on this issue has raised further questions on whether this will be enough to make sure Britain does not suffer power black outs in the medium term. Experts in the nuclear sector have also questioned the proposals in terms of are these nuclear plants going to be build on time, who is going to pay for these plants and will the design be right to avoid any health and safety issues. Other plans that the government proposes includes relying more on renewable energy to meet demand. Heavy investment will be needed to meet this target and it remains to seen if this will be enough to meet the demand. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 World Energy Demands Energy is fundamental in how we all lead our lives. As the years goes by and the higher the world population grows, this means that global demand for energy can only increase. The UN has predicted that as of 2005, 6.5 billion made up the worlds population, and this could grow up to 9.1 billion within 45 years (Asif and Muneer 2007). If the worlds population reaches this figure, then the world is going to face a challenge to meet the energy needs of all of these people, especially with the emerging nations such as China, India and Brazil. 2.2 Energy Usage We use energy in all ways of life and we use them in a number of ways. Areas that energy is used includes Buildings Industry Trasport Buildings Buildings consume over 60% (International Energy Outlook, 2009) of energy produced around the world. Buildings are split into domestic householders and commercial buildings. Domestic buildings usage includes space heating, lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, and general electrical appliances. The volume of the property will determine its final energy consumption. The bigger the property, the more heating and lighting it will need to make it into comfortable surroundings. For residential buildings, the physical size of the structures is one key indicator of the amount of energy used by their occupants (International Energy Outlook) Commercial buildings can include offices and government buildings such as schools and hospitals. Commercial buildings are of a similar nature to domestic buildings, but will be to a much bigger scale. For example, an office could consist of a dozens or even hundreds of computers, compared to maybe one in a domestic house. Industry Industry consumption uses around 29% (International Energy Outlook) of the total energy produced around the world. Industry energy usage includes manufacturing metals, chemicals, materials and agriculture. The industry uses the energy it receives to operate manufacturing assembly lines, processing, space heating and lighting. Transport Transport uses the vast majority of oil that is consumed around the world. Transport energy accounts for cars, trains, planes and lorries. In comparison with the other energy sectors, the transport is largely constricted to oil and cannot operate with the other fuel options. In IEA (International Energy Agency) countries, the transport sector is taking an increasing share of oil demand (Taylor) 2.3 Threats to World Energy Supply As the demand for energy grows, the threat of not producing this energy increases. 2.3.1 Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels currently produce the majority of our energy needs and take many forms. Developed countries use oil, gas and coal and all of this fossil fuel usage heavily contributes to climate change because of the C02 emissions that they produce. Developing countries will use firewood etc and in comparison to the developed countries, the developing countries will produce alot less C02 because of their methods of producing energy. As well as the effects of the fossil fuels, the fuel reserves will decrease as the years and decades go on, particular since the demands for fuels will only rise. The security of getting these fuels is also a concern because of the political divides in the Middle East, where the biggest oil fields are. The political differences between the EU and Russia are also a concern because Russia is biggest exporter to the EU. The energy policies of Britain and France take these threats into account and are putting in place measures to reduce the threat. The threats t hat Britain and France predict is the increasing importation of these fuels, at the same time as demand goes up and the political strains increase. Our increasing reliance on imports of oil and gas in a world where energy demand is rising and energy is becoming more politicised (Meeting the energy challenge, 2007). 2.3.2 Oil Out of all of the fossil fuels, oil is the most precious and scarce. It is the primary source that we use to power our transportation system, to produce energy and used to make many different types of products. The worlds energy demand is expected to grow by 45% in the next 20 years; therefore, the demand for oil is expected to rise by 26% over the same period. Even if we do maintain the optimum amount of oil production over the next 20 years, it is very unlikely that the energy demands will be meet by oil. Oil Prices The issue of the oil peak production and its decline is much debated and opinions vary from a number of sources. One thing that is certain is that oil is not a re-newable fuel and as demands for energy increases year by year, production for oil will increase and this will deplete oil reserves more quickly. The steady growth of spot oil price exploded suddenly in the second halve of 2007: in only twelve months, the price of oil nearly double from $74/barrel on July 2007 to $147.27/barrel on July 2008 (Matutinovic, 2008.) This was a huge hike in a short space of time, caused by the demand from China and India, together with unrest in the Middle East were the main reasons. This increase in price however was short lived and to the present day is back to a manageable price. However, in the future the price will increase and stay there due to a number of factors. Energy demand going up, meaning that supply and demand will be squeezed. The political unrest in unstable regions where the largest oil reserves are As the price of oil increases, so will the price of energy and we this may become uncontrollable over the long term. Security of Oil As mentioned before, the majority of oil reserves are contained within unstable regions or countries and countries that have political issues with the most developed countries. This includes the Middle East, which holds the most of the oil reserves and is almost always unstable. As the developed countries own oil reserves decrease, the importation of oil will increase from these regions and if the regions were to decline further, this may affect security of supply of the energy needs of these countries. The most important implication of such distribution of proven oil reserves is that future oil increasingly dependence on politically instable Middle East (Matutinovic) 2.3.3 Gas In the past natural gas was not used globally to produce energy and by domestic householders. It is becoming increasingly important to meet energy demands around and in particular, the EU region. As with the issues with oil, gas reserves in the European Union and USA regions are dwindling and these regions are fast becoming increasily reliant on Russia and Middle East for their supplies. The UK in particular as a large proportion of its power produced by gas power stations and this has been addressed within their energy policy of the intention to decrease the importation of gas in the long term. However, in the short medium term it is anticipated that Europes dependence on gas will go from 36% up to in 69% (Weisser H, 2005) even with the issue of climate change, as natural gas is less pollutant than coal and oil. Looking at Russia, by far the biggest supplier, for analysing the security of supply equation one has to account for the fact that this countrys energy policy is not only d etermined by economic interest but a least equally by geopolitical, foreign policy and security consideration (Weisser). Political Issues The country with the most natural gas reserves is Russia. As each year goes by, the EU will have to import gas from Russia more and more. The political relationships between Europe and Russia are not the best. This was brought about by the dispute between Russia and the Ukraine over the gas supply. This in turn reduced the supply to Europe, as the pipe goes through the Ukraine to supply Europe. This brought tensions between the EU and Russia, since then Russia has threatened the supply to Europe and dramatic price increases. Apart from the Russia, the Middle East is the second biggest exporter and like oil, is vulrable to political unrest and this may affect supplies to their customers. Gas Prices Gazprom is the biggest gas provider in Russia and world. With demand for gas going to increase in the coming years, this will give the power to increase prices to the EU and other regions. If this were to happen, this would lead to higher costs for the UK to produce power and this would lead to higher power costs for domestic householders. The price of gas will also have to increase to fund investments to find new gas fields and pipes that transport the gas. The main reason for dual gas pricing has been to provide a gas subsidy to the Russian economy. (Spanjer A, 2007) 2.3.4 Coal Coal was the first significant fossil fuel to be used by humans and was the spearhead for the industrial revolution. It is used by both developed and developing due to its availability and value Consumption Developing countries use 55% of the world consumption of coal, which includes China and India. It is predicted that this is going to rise to over 65% in the morelonger term. The availability of coal is vast, which is the primary reason why it is used so much. It is found all over world, including vast reserves in the UK. It is predicted that if the current trend of excavating coal were to continue, it may take up to a few hundred years to exhaust the earths supply. As the coal reserves are spread all over the world, this gives an advantage to the other fossil fuels of providing a greater security of supply. Because of the inevitable decline in world reserves of petroleum and natural gas and rising demand for energy, coal is a major alternative along with nuclear power to meet these meets. (Yilmaz A O, Uslu T, The role of coal in energy production Consumption and sustainable development of Turkey, Energy Policy 35, 1117 1128, page 1, 2007) Cleaner Coal In the future, it is anticipated that cleaner coal power stations are to be constructed as coal is seen as a fuel that will meet the energy demand for the medium term. This is seen as a way of meeting the energy demands because of the reserves of coal offering a much higher security of coal, but also a way to reduce the emissions that coal gives off when used to produce energy. 2.4 Climate Change The issues that are associated with climate change go back over one hundred years when scientists were discovering that greenhouse gases were interfering with the atmosphere. Over the course of history to this present day, the understanding of climate change has jumped dramatically over the past 10 years and scientists are beginning to see the potential effects that may have on the earth if we do not tackle the roots of the problem. 2.4.1 Energy Production Energy production accounts for the vast majority of the green house gases that is produced. Energy accounts for over 80% of the global anthropogenic GHGs (Quadrelli R, The energy-climate challenge: Recent trends in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, IEA, Elsevier, page 2, 2007). These green house gases are a direct result from using fossil fuels in producing energy. The world energy supply is still very much dependant on fossil fuels to produce the energy needs for the world population, even with the growth of renewable energy. As stated before, the worlds energy demand is expected to grow significantly over the next 20 30 years as a direct consequence of a rising world population and the rapid development of China and India. 2.4.2 C02 Emissions All fossil fuels contribute to green house gases, some more than others however. Coal is the biggest contributor of C02 emissions and this will just increase as coal becomes more popular, especially with China and India. An Energy production accounts for the vast majority of the green house gases that is produced. Energy accounts for over 80% of the global anthropogenic GHGs (Quadrelli R, The energy-climate challenge: Recent trends in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, IEA, Elsevier, page 2, 2007). These green house gases are a direct result from using fossil fuels in producing energy. The world energy supply is still very much dependant on fossil fuels to produce the energy needs for the world population, even with the growth of renewable energy. As stated before, the worlds energy demand is expected to grow significantly over the next 20 30 years as a direct consequence of a rising world population and the rapid development of China and India. 2.4.2 C02 Emissions All fossil fuels contribute to green house gases, some more than others however. Coal is the biggest contributor of C02 emissions and this will just increase as coal becomes more popular, especially with China and India. An increase of C02 emissions in the last 35 40 years has been substantial and the total amount of C02 emissions due to burning of fossil fuels reaches to about 26 billion tons. (Saito S, Role of Nuclear Energy to Future Society of Shortage of Energy Resources and Global Warming, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier, 2009). These countries will have to find a guaranteed supply and this fuel will become cheaper than oil and gas over the longer term. These countries will have to look to coal to meet its energy demands for its growing population. If the projections are correct, coal will become more popular amongst the developed nations. This will increase green house gases and that is with the policy of constructing clean coal power stations. The oil and gas sectors will still have a very important part to play in the long term, but it is projected that dependence on these fuels will decrease slowly as the price goes up and the security of supply is not guaranteed. 2.4.3 Biggest C02 Producers The biggest polluters seem are the countries with the biggest economic development, the rapid development of some countries meaning a higher energy demand and the countries population. The United States was the biggest polluter due to its economic power and industrial size. However, as China has grown rapidly, this has pushed it to become the worlds biggest polluter. This is because China has seen significant economic growth and has required it to increase its energy production to meet its industrial growth. 2.4.4 Affects of Climate Change The affects of climate change will be catastrophic if the current trend of C02 emissions continues. Climate Change threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world access to water, food production, health and use of land and the environment (THE STERN REPORT, Executive Summary (Long), page 6, 2006). Rise in sea levels The affect of the earth heating up will mean the two polar ice caps melting, making the global sea levels rising. This will mean that countries or regions with a low altitude could mean land being lost. Global sea rises will mean millions of people being displaced and having to find alternative areas to live. Vegetation areas These areas could change the whole global landscape, in terms of the areas where crops could be grown. This could mean areas where crops are grown just now, will not able to grow in the future and this again may displace millions of people, especially in the more developing regions such as Africa. Weather systems There is current evidence that the weather pattern is already changing. The likelihood of this worsening is very real if climate change is not tackled. This includes an increase in category 5 hurricanes, increased flooding and an increase in heat waves due to temperature rises. Temperature rises will also lead to sever forest fires in regions such as Australia and California. 2.5 Financial Implications of Climate Change As well as the physical implications of climate change, the financial consequences may well be as bad for all countries if climate change is not tackled and heavy investment put in place 2.5.1 STERN REPORT The STERN report was produced to assess the potential damage that climate change could inflict on economies around the world. The evidence shows that ignoring climate change will eventually damage economic growth (THE STERN REPORT, Executive Summary (Long), page 2, 2006). The report consists and focuses on a number of issues The affects of climate change on the economies The costs of putting in control measures to reduce the affects of climate changes The investment needed to change to an infrastructure that omits less C02 emissions The report highlights the relation of GDP in relation to the increase in temperatures. There seems to be a trend in that for every one degree that the temperature goes up, then 1 per cent of GDP is lost. As well as the GDP, the biggest affect that climate change could have on is the developing countries, particular Africa. The report highlights that the ability to grow crops will reduce and water supplies will decrease dramatically and this will displace millions of people. 2.5.2 Investment The STERN report also points out that investment is now needed to prevent much higher costs being incurred in the longer-term. The report comments that such investment should include the acceleration of cleaner and renewable energy. 2.6 Energy Policies Energy policies are produced by governments to help them plan their countries energy production for the long term, set targets for cutting C02 emissions and evaluating their methods of producing energy. 2.6.1 Contents of Energy Policies The contents of energy policies will wholly depend what country it is, how much GDP it produces and how confident they will be in making sure that they can meet their targets Energy Policies will usually contain the following Security of supply Evaluation of their current energy production methods Methods of making sure that they have sufficient ways in meeting demand Outline any new ways in producing their energy Ways in which they will tackle climate change Their policies of using renewable energy to produce power. 2.7 Renewable Energy Policies Renewable energy is essential for meeting the commitment to cut C02 emissions, to ensure the world can meet the energy demands, security of supply and eventually leading to cheaper energy in the long term in comparison with fossil fuel produced energy. Renewable energy technologies have increased dramatically in the last 5 years. Its essential to have renewable energy in a countries energy policy to help meet all these commitments. To the present day, 73 countries are thought to have included a renewable strategy within their policy. Between 2004 and 2008, over $120 billion of investment has put in place to increase the usage of renewables. Although this investment is substantial, it is predicted that that this type of investment will have to be spent every year to help renewables get to a level to produce energy to a stage where it can compete with coal and gas. While most renewable fuels are free, renewable energy projects have high up-front costs (Sawin J L, National Policy Documents, International Conference for Renewable Energies, page 5, 2004). Renewable Energy types include Solar Power Wind Power Hydro Geothermal Biomass Tidal Power 2.7.1 Wind Power Out of all of the renewable technologies, wind power is by far the most used around the world. Wind power was the largest addition to renewable energy capacity (Renewables Global Status Report 2009, REN21, page 11, 2009). Wind power comes in two forms either on shore or off shore. Wind power is particularly used throughout the EU due to its climate. Wind power production percentage throughout the EU varies, with Germany being the most productive country within the EU. 2.7.2 Solar Power At the end of 2007, solar power production accounted for around 0.5% of the power produced. As with the wind power restrictions, solar power is more effective where countries are better situated to get sun on a regular basis. Also as solar power is expensive to build in comparison to the more conventional power stations, this currently makes it unviable to construct until capital costs come down. 2.6.3 Other Renewables The other options of renweables make up a tiny proportion of energy production, in comparison to the wind and solar. Heavy investment is needed to bring these up to level where they will be seen as a potential energy source as the other options. 2.8 Nuclear Energy Nuclear power has is fast becoming one of the main sources of power for a few countries within the EU and the USA. Apart from the Western countries, nuclear power is fast becoming the one of the major sources of producing energy. There over 100 hundred power stations currently being built in Asia and alot more are being planned. Nuclear Power alone wont get us where we need to be, but we wont get there without it. (Abu-Khader M M, Recent Advances in Nuclear Power: A Review, Nuclear Energy 51, 225 233, Elsevier, 2009) 2.8.1 Production Nuclear power currently accounts for around for 14 per cent of the power produced around the world. It is expected that this will grow rapidly over the longer term as the worlds most developed countries construct more plants to meet energy demands. 2.8.2 Why Nuclear Nuclear power has big advantages over the current main sources of power production. Security of Supply Nuclears raw material is more readily available than other fossil fuels. This gives it a more guaranteed security of supply of generating the energy needed. Importing uranium is expensive to import, however it can be stored for several years and makes it less of a concern. Price Rises Nuclear power is less of risk of being the subject to a large price rise. This is because it is cheaper to run the power plant in comparison to gas and coal power stations. 2.14 Bar Chart Showing Predicted Price Rises for Each Fuel Type (Adamantiades A, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Status and Future Prospects, Energy Policy 37 5149 5166, 2009) A doubling in the price of Uranium would cause a 5-6% increase in the total cost of generation, while a similar increase in the price of natural gas would lead to 65% increase in gasfired costs. ((Adamantiades A, Kessides I, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Current Status and Prospects, Energy Policy, Elsevier, page 2, 2009). Climate Change As with renewable energy, nuclear plants produce little or no C02 emissions. As the world is becoming increasily concerned with climate change, severe cuts of C02 emissions are being set and nuclear is seen a key player in reducing these emissions. 2.8.3 Safety Concerns After the tragic accident at Chernobyl, it was understandable that nuclear power got a bad reputation around the world, with some countries even banning it altogether. However, since safety factors in constructing and operating a nuclear plant have improved greatly and the idea of nuclear power is taking off again. During the past two decades, nuclear power plants have also achieved increasingly higher capacity factors with the same or greater levels of safety (Adamantiades A, Kessides I, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Current Status and Prospects, Energy Policy, Elsevier, page 12,2009). 2.15 Bar Chart Showing Fatalities by Fuel Type (Adamantiades A, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Status and Future Prospects, Energy Policy 37 5149 5166, 2009) The most obvious risk of operating a nuclear plan is exposing the public to radiation poisoning, with Chernobyl being the best example. Strict measures are now in place to greatly reduce such a tragedy happening again. This includes conducting risk assessments and putting in control measure to reduce the risks. 2.8.4 Nuclear Waste The debate of nuclear waste was one the biggest obstacles for the new generation nuclear plants being constructed. Although the storage of nuclear is major concern, the technology is in place to manage safely and effectively. In comparison with the waste that fossil fuels produce, it is signifcently less. 3.0 Methodology My method of research was to use a mixture of both quantitative and quantitative research methods. 3.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Research The method of using quantitative is and will be limited, in comparison with the other forms of data collection. This has used up to this point for comparing statistics, figures and forecasts. This is based on using journals, government reports and reliable websites being used to gather this information to allow me to compare the above. It will be my intention to continue this form data collection when completing my dissertation The method of using qualitative will be the form of research that the bulk of dissertation will be based on. This is based on sources from journals, books, government reports, reliable websites, interviews and case studies. It will be my intention to continue with this form data collection when completing my dissertation. Journals This form of gathering data has helped me gather the majority of my information. I have gathered peoples perceptions, thoughts and opinions of this subject. Information gathered was mostly opinions in the form of text, graphs and diagrams. Government Reports This has allowed me to focus on the subjects that I need to concentrate to be able to answer my aims and objectives. Information gathered included factual statistics and text. Websites This form of sourcing of information allowed me to gather some of quantitative and qualitative information. I made sure that these websites were reliable websites and that the information was as accurate. Information gathered included graphs, statistics and text. 3.2 Interviews My intention is to organise three interviews with three different organisations. This is to allow 3 different opinions based on the subject of my dissertation. This will include getting opinions on people who are involved with the nuclear programme, the renewable sector and an organisation that represents somebody/something for which the nuclear plants or the rapid construction of renewables may have negative consequences. 3.2.1 Initial Contact and Organisations My initial contact to arrange interviews was via e-mail. I asked them for an interview by introducing myself, the reason for the interview and the topic of my dissertation. My first contact was Mr David Cameron, of the Scottish Renewables trust. He kindly agreed to an interview in his Glasgow based office and agreed that I would be in touch when I am ready to conduct the interview. My agenda for this interview is to get his views on the developments of the renewables sector, the developments of the nuclear sector and will this be able to meet the energy demand My second contact was Mr Peter Dobson, of Scottish and Southern Energy who are directly involved with the nuclear program within the UK. My contact with him came about because of the close relationship that my employer and SSE have. My agenda for this interview will be similar to my first contact My third contact I hope to be the Scottish Wildlife trust. I have still to make contact with this gruop. My agenda for this interview will be to get the developments on both nuclear and renewables development in the UK and how this could affect the British ecosystem. When it comes to conducting the interview, I will stress the confidentially is the most important issue when conducting this interview and will ask them to make me aware that a particular question can not be answered without their confidentially being breached. 3.2.2 Interview Technique and Agenda My intension is to make the interview semi-structured. This will allow me to prepare a set of questions that I will ask all three participants, with the possibly of other questions being prepared depending on the organization. By having a semi-structure interview, it will allow me to get the information that I will require, while allowing any other questions or conversations to happen during the interview, as some topics may come to light during the interview. I shall prepare the questions before the interview takes place and sent the interviewees the prepared question paper and the agenda beforehand. 3.3 Case Studies It will be my intention to focus on two case studies. One will be in the form of concentrating on one of the chosen nuclear sites. I will give information on the suitability of the site, the energy that will generated, the benefits of having this plant and the health and safety implications of having the plant at this location. The form of collecting data will involve the use of journals, construction information, site location, government reports on this site and information coming from interviews. My other case study will focus one of a key renewable project that has been constructed in recent times. I will give information on the characteristics of the site, the e Strategies to Meet Energy Demands in the UK Strategies to Meet Energy Demands in the UK 1.0 Introduction The question of how Britain will be able to meet its energy demand in the next 10 10 years is a matter of concern for the British Government. With aging nuclear plants, replacing these with cleaner and more energy efficiency plants is going to be a challenge. This dissertation aims to investigate the governments proposals to construct a new generation of nuclear plants and rely more on renewable technologies, whilst meeting the energy demand in next 10 20 years and cutting C02 emissions. 1.1 Aims If Government proposals for new nuclear plants and renewable technologies will be able to meet Britains energy demands 1.2 Objectives Is the current proposals the only answer Can they meet their targets of cutting C02 emissions whilst meeting demand Will they be able to construct the nuclear plants on time Have all issues been addressed, such as safety concerns when considering constructing the nuclear plant. Should renewables have a bigger contribution 1.3 Rationale The British Government have been concerned with the gap of meeting the British demand in the next 10 20 years. With aging nuclear plants and questions surrounding what is going replace these, and the commitment of meeting targets to cut C02 emissions. The government has proposed to build a new generation of nuclear power stations and rely more on renewable energy to meet these demands. The conversational decision on this issue has raised further questions on whether this will be enough to make sure Britain does not suffer power black outs in the medium term. Experts in the nuclear sector have also questioned the proposals in terms of are these nuclear plants going to be build on time, who is going to pay for these plants and will the design be right to avoid any health and safety issues. Other plans that the government proposes includes relying more on renewable energy to meet demand. Heavy investment will be needed to meet this target and it remains to seen if this will be enough to meet the demand. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 World Energy Demands Energy is fundamental in how we all lead our lives. As the years goes by and the higher the world population grows, this means that global demand for energy can only increase. The UN has predicted that as of 2005, 6.5 billion made up the worlds population, and this could grow up to 9.1 billion within 45 years (Asif and Muneer 2007). If the worlds population reaches this figure, then the world is going to face a challenge to meet the energy needs of all of these people, especially with the emerging nations such as China, India and Brazil. 2.2 Energy Usage We use energy in all ways of life and we use them in a number of ways. Areas that energy is used includes Buildings Industry Trasport Buildings Buildings consume over 60% (International Energy Outlook, 2009) of energy produced around the world. Buildings are split into domestic householders and commercial buildings. Domestic buildings usage includes space heating, lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, and general electrical appliances. The volume of the property will determine its final energy consumption. The bigger the property, the more heating and lighting it will need to make it into comfortable surroundings. For residential buildings, the physical size of the structures is one key indicator of the amount of energy used by their occupants (International Energy Outlook) Commercial buildings can include offices and government buildings such as schools and hospitals. Commercial buildings are of a similar nature to domestic buildings, but will be to a much bigger scale. For example, an office could consist of a dozens or even hundreds of computers, compared to maybe one in a domestic house. Industry Industry consumption uses around 29% (International Energy Outlook) of the total energy produced around the world. Industry energy usage includes manufacturing metals, chemicals, materials and agriculture. The industry uses the energy it receives to operate manufacturing assembly lines, processing, space heating and lighting. Transport Transport uses the vast majority of oil that is consumed around the world. Transport energy accounts for cars, trains, planes and lorries. In comparison with the other energy sectors, the transport is largely constricted to oil and cannot operate with the other fuel options. In IEA (International Energy Agency) countries, the transport sector is taking an increasing share of oil demand (Taylor) 2.3 Threats to World Energy Supply As the demand for energy grows, the threat of not producing this energy increases. 2.3.1 Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels currently produce the majority of our energy needs and take many forms. Developed countries use oil, gas and coal and all of this fossil fuel usage heavily contributes to climate change because of the C02 emissions that they produce. Developing countries will use firewood etc and in comparison to the developed countries, the developing countries will produce alot less C02 because of their methods of producing energy. As well as the effects of the fossil fuels, the fuel reserves will decrease as the years and decades go on, particular since the demands for fuels will only rise. The security of getting these fuels is also a concern because of the political divides in the Middle East, where the biggest oil fields are. The political differences between the EU and Russia are also a concern because Russia is biggest exporter to the EU. The energy policies of Britain and France take these threats into account and are putting in place measures to reduce the threat. The threats t hat Britain and France predict is the increasing importation of these fuels, at the same time as demand goes up and the political strains increase. Our increasing reliance on imports of oil and gas in a world where energy demand is rising and energy is becoming more politicised (Meeting the energy challenge, 2007). 2.3.2 Oil Out of all of the fossil fuels, oil is the most precious and scarce. It is the primary source that we use to power our transportation system, to produce energy and used to make many different types of products. The worlds energy demand is expected to grow by 45% in the next 20 years; therefore, the demand for oil is expected to rise by 26% over the same period. Even if we do maintain the optimum amount of oil production over the next 20 years, it is very unlikely that the energy demands will be meet by oil. Oil Prices The issue of the oil peak production and its decline is much debated and opinions vary from a number of sources. One thing that is certain is that oil is not a re-newable fuel and as demands for energy increases year by year, production for oil will increase and this will deplete oil reserves more quickly. The steady growth of spot oil price exploded suddenly in the second halve of 2007: in only twelve months, the price of oil nearly double from $74/barrel on July 2007 to $147.27/barrel on July 2008 (Matutinovic, 2008.) This was a huge hike in a short space of time, caused by the demand from China and India, together with unrest in the Middle East were the main reasons. This increase in price however was short lived and to the present day is back to a manageable price. However, in the future the price will increase and stay there due to a number of factors. Energy demand going up, meaning that supply and demand will be squeezed. The political unrest in unstable regions where the largest oil reserves are As the price of oil increases, so will the price of energy and we this may become uncontrollable over the long term. Security of Oil As mentioned before, the majority of oil reserves are contained within unstable regions or countries and countries that have political issues with the most developed countries. This includes the Middle East, which holds the most of the oil reserves and is almost always unstable. As the developed countries own oil reserves decrease, the importation of oil will increase from these regions and if the regions were to decline further, this may affect security of supply of the energy needs of these countries. The most important implication of such distribution of proven oil reserves is that future oil increasingly dependence on politically instable Middle East (Matutinovic) 2.3.3 Gas In the past natural gas was not used globally to produce energy and by domestic householders. It is becoming increasingly important to meet energy demands around and in particular, the EU region. As with the issues with oil, gas reserves in the European Union and USA regions are dwindling and these regions are fast becoming increasily reliant on Russia and Middle East for their supplies. The UK in particular as a large proportion of its power produced by gas power stations and this has been addressed within their energy policy of the intention to decrease the importation of gas in the long term. However, in the short medium term it is anticipated that Europes dependence on gas will go from 36% up to in 69% (Weisser H, 2005) even with the issue of climate change, as natural gas is less pollutant than coal and oil. Looking at Russia, by far the biggest supplier, for analysing the security of supply equation one has to account for the fact that this countrys energy policy is not only d etermined by economic interest but a least equally by geopolitical, foreign policy and security consideration (Weisser). Political Issues The country with the most natural gas reserves is Russia. As each year goes by, the EU will have to import gas from Russia more and more. The political relationships between Europe and Russia are not the best. This was brought about by the dispute between Russia and the Ukraine over the gas supply. This in turn reduced the supply to Europe, as the pipe goes through the Ukraine to supply Europe. This brought tensions between the EU and Russia, since then Russia has threatened the supply to Europe and dramatic price increases. Apart from the Russia, the Middle East is the second biggest exporter and like oil, is vulrable to political unrest and this may affect supplies to their customers. Gas Prices Gazprom is the biggest gas provider in Russia and world. With demand for gas going to increase in the coming years, this will give the power to increase prices to the EU and other regions. If this were to happen, this would lead to higher costs for the UK to produce power and this would lead to higher power costs for domestic householders. The price of gas will also have to increase to fund investments to find new gas fields and pipes that transport the gas. The main reason for dual gas pricing has been to provide a gas subsidy to the Russian economy. (Spanjer A, 2007) 2.3.4 Coal Coal was the first significant fossil fuel to be used by humans and was the spearhead for the industrial revolution. It is used by both developed and developing due to its availability and value Consumption Developing countries use 55% of the world consumption of coal, which includes China and India. It is predicted that this is going to rise to over 65% in the morelonger term. The availability of coal is vast, which is the primary reason why it is used so much. It is found all over world, including vast reserves in the UK. It is predicted that if the current trend of excavating coal were to continue, it may take up to a few hundred years to exhaust the earths supply. As the coal reserves are spread all over the world, this gives an advantage to the other fossil fuels of providing a greater security of supply. Because of the inevitable decline in world reserves of petroleum and natural gas and rising demand for energy, coal is a major alternative along with nuclear power to meet these meets. (Yilmaz A O, Uslu T, The role of coal in energy production Consumption and sustainable development of Turkey, Energy Policy 35, 1117 1128, page 1, 2007) Cleaner Coal In the future, it is anticipated that cleaner coal power stations are to be constructed as coal is seen as a fuel that will meet the energy demand for the medium term. This is seen as a way of meeting the energy demands because of the reserves of coal offering a much higher security of coal, but also a way to reduce the emissions that coal gives off when used to produce energy. 2.4 Climate Change The issues that are associated with climate change go back over one hundred years when scientists were discovering that greenhouse gases were interfering with the atmosphere. Over the course of history to this present day, the understanding of climate change has jumped dramatically over the past 10 years and scientists are beginning to see the potential effects that may have on the earth if we do not tackle the roots of the problem. 2.4.1 Energy Production Energy production accounts for the vast majority of the green house gases that is produced. Energy accounts for over 80% of the global anthropogenic GHGs (Quadrelli R, The energy-climate challenge: Recent trends in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, IEA, Elsevier, page 2, 2007). These green house gases are a direct result from using fossil fuels in producing energy. The world energy supply is still very much dependant on fossil fuels to produce the energy needs for the world population, even with the growth of renewable energy. As stated before, the worlds energy demand is expected to grow significantly over the next 20 30 years as a direct consequence of a rising world population and the rapid development of China and India. 2.4.2 C02 Emissions All fossil fuels contribute to green house gases, some more than others however. Coal is the biggest contributor of C02 emissions and this will just increase as coal becomes more popular, especially with China and India. An Energy production accounts for the vast majority of the green house gases that is produced. Energy accounts for over 80% of the global anthropogenic GHGs (Quadrelli R, The energy-climate challenge: Recent trends in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, IEA, Elsevier, page 2, 2007). These green house gases are a direct result from using fossil fuels in producing energy. The world energy supply is still very much dependant on fossil fuels to produce the energy needs for the world population, even with the growth of renewable energy. As stated before, the worlds energy demand is expected to grow significantly over the next 20 30 years as a direct consequence of a rising world population and the rapid development of China and India. 2.4.2 C02 Emissions All fossil fuels contribute to green house gases, some more than others however. Coal is the biggest contributor of C02 emissions and this will just increase as coal becomes more popular, especially with China and India. An increase of C02 emissions in the last 35 40 years has been substantial and the total amount of C02 emissions due to burning of fossil fuels reaches to about 26 billion tons. (Saito S, Role of Nuclear Energy to Future Society of Shortage of Energy Resources and Global Warming, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier, 2009). These countries will have to find a guaranteed supply and this fuel will become cheaper than oil and gas over the longer term. These countries will have to look to coal to meet its energy demands for its growing population. If the projections are correct, coal will become more popular amongst the developed nations. This will increase green house gases and that is with the policy of constructing clean coal power stations. The oil and gas sectors will still have a very important part to play in the long term, but it is projected that dependence on these fuels will decrease slowly as the price goes up and the security of supply is not guaranteed. 2.4.3 Biggest C02 Producers The biggest polluters seem are the countries with the biggest economic development, the rapid development of some countries meaning a higher energy demand and the countries population. The United States was the biggest polluter due to its economic power and industrial size. However, as China has grown rapidly, this has pushed it to become the worlds biggest polluter. This is because China has seen significant economic growth and has required it to increase its energy production to meet its industrial growth. 2.4.4 Affects of Climate Change The affects of climate change will be catastrophic if the current trend of C02 emissions continues. Climate Change threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world access to water, food production, health and use of land and the environment (THE STERN REPORT, Executive Summary (Long), page 6, 2006). Rise in sea levels The affect of the earth heating up will mean the two polar ice caps melting, making the global sea levels rising. This will mean that countries or regions with a low altitude could mean land being lost. Global sea rises will mean millions of people being displaced and having to find alternative areas to live. Vegetation areas These areas could change the whole global landscape, in terms of the areas where crops could be grown. This could mean areas where crops are grown just now, will not able to grow in the future and this again may displace millions of people, especially in the more developing regions such as Africa. Weather systems There is current evidence that the weather pattern is already changing. The likelihood of this worsening is very real if climate change is not tackled. This includes an increase in category 5 hurricanes, increased flooding and an increase in heat waves due to temperature rises. Temperature rises will also lead to sever forest fires in regions such as Australia and California. 2.5 Financial Implications of Climate Change As well as the physical implications of climate change, the financial consequences may well be as bad for all countries if climate change is not tackled and heavy investment put in place 2.5.1 STERN REPORT The STERN report was produced to assess the potential damage that climate change could inflict on economies around the world. The evidence shows that ignoring climate change will eventually damage economic growth (THE STERN REPORT, Executive Summary (Long), page 2, 2006). The report consists and focuses on a number of issues The affects of climate change on the economies The costs of putting in control measures to reduce the affects of climate changes The investment needed to change to an infrastructure that omits less C02 emissions The report highlights the relation of GDP in relation to the increase in temperatures. There seems to be a trend in that for every one degree that the temperature goes up, then 1 per cent of GDP is lost. As well as the GDP, the biggest affect that climate change could have on is the developing countries, particular Africa. The report highlights that the ability to grow crops will reduce and water supplies will decrease dramatically and this will displace millions of people. 2.5.2 Investment The STERN report also points out that investment is now needed to prevent much higher costs being incurred in the longer-term. The report comments that such investment should include the acceleration of cleaner and renewable energy. 2.6 Energy Policies Energy policies are produced by governments to help them plan their countries energy production for the long term, set targets for cutting C02 emissions and evaluating their methods of producing energy. 2.6.1 Contents of Energy Policies The contents of energy policies will wholly depend what country it is, how much GDP it produces and how confident they will be in making sure that they can meet their targets Energy Policies will usually contain the following Security of supply Evaluation of their current energy production methods Methods of making sure that they have sufficient ways in meeting demand Outline any new ways in producing their energy Ways in which they will tackle climate change Their policies of using renewable energy to produce power. 2.7 Renewable Energy Policies Renewable energy is essential for meeting the commitment to cut C02 emissions, to ensure the world can meet the energy demands, security of supply and eventually leading to cheaper energy in the long term in comparison with fossil fuel produced energy. Renewable energy technologies have increased dramatically in the last 5 years. Its essential to have renewable energy in a countries energy policy to help meet all these commitments. To the present day, 73 countries are thought to have included a renewable strategy within their policy. Between 2004 and 2008, over $120 billion of investment has put in place to increase the usage of renewables. Although this investment is substantial, it is predicted that that this type of investment will have to be spent every year to help renewables get to a level to produce energy to a stage where it can compete with coal and gas. While most renewable fuels are free, renewable energy projects have high up-front costs (Sawin J L, National Policy Documents, International Conference for Renewable Energies, page 5, 2004). Renewable Energy types include Solar Power Wind Power Hydro Geothermal Biomass Tidal Power 2.7.1 Wind Power Out of all of the renewable technologies, wind power is by far the most used around the world. Wind power was the largest addition to renewable energy capacity (Renewables Global Status Report 2009, REN21, page 11, 2009). Wind power comes in two forms either on shore or off shore. Wind power is particularly used throughout the EU due to its climate. Wind power production percentage throughout the EU varies, with Germany being the most productive country within the EU. 2.7.2 Solar Power At the end of 2007, solar power production accounted for around 0.5% of the power produced. As with the wind power restrictions, solar power is more effective where countries are better situated to get sun on a regular basis. Also as solar power is expensive to build in comparison to the more conventional power stations, this currently makes it unviable to construct until capital costs come down. 2.6.3 Other Renewables The other options of renweables make up a tiny proportion of energy production, in comparison to the wind and solar. Heavy investment is needed to bring these up to level where they will be seen as a potential energy source as the other options. 2.8 Nuclear Energy Nuclear power has is fast becoming one of the main sources of power for a few countries within the EU and the USA. Apart from the Western countries, nuclear power is fast becoming the one of the major sources of producing energy. There over 100 hundred power stations currently being built in Asia and alot more are being planned. Nuclear Power alone wont get us where we need to be, but we wont get there without it. (Abu-Khader M M, Recent Advances in Nuclear Power: A Review, Nuclear Energy 51, 225 233, Elsevier, 2009) 2.8.1 Production Nuclear power currently accounts for around for 14 per cent of the power produced around the world. It is expected that this will grow rapidly over the longer term as the worlds most developed countries construct more plants to meet energy demands. 2.8.2 Why Nuclear Nuclear power has big advantages over the current main sources of power production. Security of Supply Nuclears raw material is more readily available than other fossil fuels. This gives it a more guaranteed security of supply of generating the energy needed. Importing uranium is expensive to import, however it can be stored for several years and makes it less of a concern. Price Rises Nuclear power is less of risk of being the subject to a large price rise. This is because it is cheaper to run the power plant in comparison to gas and coal power stations. 2.14 Bar Chart Showing Predicted Price Rises for Each Fuel Type (Adamantiades A, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Status and Future Prospects, Energy Policy 37 5149 5166, 2009) A doubling in the price of Uranium would cause a 5-6% increase in the total cost of generation, while a similar increase in the price of natural gas would lead to 65% increase in gasfired costs. ((Adamantiades A, Kessides I, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Current Status and Prospects, Energy Policy, Elsevier, page 2, 2009). Climate Change As with renewable energy, nuclear plants produce little or no C02 emissions. As the world is becoming increasily concerned with climate change, severe cuts of C02 emissions are being set and nuclear is seen a key player in reducing these emissions. 2.8.3 Safety Concerns After the tragic accident at Chernobyl, it was understandable that nuclear power got a bad reputation around the world, with some countries even banning it altogether. However, since safety factors in constructing and operating a nuclear plant have improved greatly and the idea of nuclear power is taking off again. During the past two decades, nuclear power plants have also achieved increasingly higher capacity factors with the same or greater levels of safety (Adamantiades A, Kessides I, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Current Status and Prospects, Energy Policy, Elsevier, page 12,2009). 2.15 Bar Chart Showing Fatalities by Fuel Type (Adamantiades A, Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development: Status and Future Prospects, Energy Policy 37 5149 5166, 2009) The most obvious risk of operating a nuclear plan is exposing the public to radiation poisoning, with Chernobyl being the best example. Strict measures are now in place to greatly reduce such a tragedy happening again. This includes conducting risk assessments and putting in control measure to reduce the risks. 2.8.4 Nuclear Waste The debate of nuclear waste was one the biggest obstacles for the new generation nuclear plants being constructed. Although the storage of nuclear is major concern, the technology is in place to manage safely and effectively. In comparison with the waste that fossil fuels produce, it is signifcently less. 3.0 Methodology My method of research was to use a mixture of both quantitative and quantitative research methods. 3.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Research The method of using quantitative is and will be limited, in comparison with the other forms of data collection. This has used up to this point for comparing statistics, figures and forecasts. This is based on using journals, government reports and reliable websites being used to gather this information to allow me to compare the above. It will be my intention to continue this form data collection when completing my dissertation The method of using qualitative will be the form of research that the bulk of dissertation will be based on. This is based on sources from journals, books, government reports, reliable websites, interviews and case studies. It will be my intention to continue with this form data collection when completing my dissertation. Journals This form of gathering data has helped me gather the majority of my information. I have gathered peoples perceptions, thoughts and opinions of this subject. Information gathered was mostly opinions in the form of text, graphs and diagrams. Government Reports This has allowed me to focus on the subjects that I need to concentrate to be able to answer my aims and objectives. Information gathered included factual statistics and text. Websites This form of sourcing of information allowed me to gather some of quantitative and qualitative information. I made sure that these websites were reliable websites and that the information was as accurate. Information gathered included graphs, statistics and text. 3.2 Interviews My intention is to organise three interviews with three different organisations. This is to allow 3 different opinions based on the subject of my dissertation. This will include getting opinions on people who are involved with the nuclear programme, the renewable sector and an organisation that represents somebody/something for which the nuclear plants or the rapid construction of renewables may have negative consequences. 3.2.1 Initial Contact and Organisations My initial contact to arrange interviews was via e-mail. I asked them for an interview by introducing myself, the reason for the interview and the topic of my dissertation. My first contact was Mr David Cameron, of the Scottish Renewables trust. He kindly agreed to an interview in his Glasgow based office and agreed that I would be in touch when I am ready to conduct the interview. My agenda for this interview is to get his views on the developments of the renewables sector, the developments of the nuclear sector and will this be able to meet the energy demand My second contact was Mr Peter Dobson, of Scottish and Southern Energy who are directly involved with the nuclear program within the UK. My contact with him came about because of the close relationship that my employer and SSE have. My agenda for this interview will be similar to my first contact My third contact I hope to be the Scottish Wildlife trust. I have still to make contact with this gruop. My agenda for this interview will be to get the developments on both nuclear and renewables development in the UK and how this could affect the British ecosystem. When it comes to conducting the interview, I will stress the confidentially is the most important issue when conducting this interview and will ask them to make me aware that a particular question can not be answered without their confidentially being breached. 3.2.2 Interview Technique and Agenda My intension is to make the interview semi-structured. This will allow me to prepare a set of questions that I will ask all three participants, with the possibly of other questions being prepared depending on the organization. By having a semi-structure interview, it will allow me to get the information that I will require, while allowing any other questions or conversations to happen during the interview, as some topics may come to light during the interview. I shall prepare the questions before the interview takes place and sent the interviewees the prepared question paper and the agenda beforehand. 3.3 Case Studies It will be my intention to focus on two case studies. One will be in the form of concentrating on one of the chosen nuclear sites. I will give information on the suitability of the site, the energy that will generated, the benefits of having this plant and the health and safety implications of having the plant at this location. The form of collecting data will involve the use of journals, construction information, site location, government reports on this site and information coming from interviews. My other case study will focus one of a key renewable project that has been constructed in recent times. I will give information on the characteristics of the site, the e
Friday, January 17, 2020
My Last Duchess Analysis Essay
The speaker can be seen as both a villain and lover of great art, but which is his true identity? In ââ¬Å"My Last Duchessâ⬠, the dukeââ¬â¢s deplorable wickedness makes the split between moral judgment and our actual feeling for him especially apparent. The effect created by the tension between sympathy and judgment is a striking characteristic of dramatic monologues. Throughout the poem, the Dukeââ¬â¢s poise and wonderful taste for art makes the reader take on a sympathetic attitude toward the Duke. When the Duke shows his power and desire to control, however, we begin to question the Dukeââ¬â¢s character and judge his motives. The way the reader perceives the Duke changes the readerââ¬â¢s perspective on the poem and situation of the Duke, yet Browningââ¬â¢s reasoning for doing this is inconclusive. Upon first reading, the poem struck us as if we should have some sort of sympathy for the Duke due to his truly genuine admiration towards his pieces of art, ââ¬Å"I call/That piece a wonder, now: Fr Pandolfââ¬â¢s hands/Worked busily a day, and there she standsâ⬠(lines 2-4). We see how insanely egotistical the Duke is in lines 32-35, ââ¬Å"as if she ranked/My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name/With anybodyââ¬â¢s gift. Whoââ¬â¢d stoop to blame/This sort of trifling? â⬠, yet we cannot help but admire him. His flawless manner, impeccable taste, and admiration for the arts come together to astound both the envoy and us. The Duke describes the portrait in great detail and emphasizes the ease and intensity in which it was painted, ââ¬Å"depth and passion of its earnest glanceâ⬠(line 8). Only someone who sincerely admires such great work would be able to tell the nuances in stroke of the painting itself. As the poem progresses, we increasingly learn more about the Duke. We begin to understand the thoughts, feelings, and potential motives of the Duke which give the reader a sense of sympathy for him, ââ¬Å"Oh sir, she smiled, no doubt/,Wheneââ¬â¢er I passed her; but who passed without/Much the same smile? â⬠(lines 43-45). The more one gets to know a person, the more one relates to him or her; this is exactly what happens in the poem. The Duke increasingly tells the reader about his life and situation, and the reader feels as if he or she understands him more and more. The Duke explains how he felt as if he was not special to the Duchess. He felt as if she saw him as any other man, ââ¬Å"She thanked men,ââ¬âgood! but thanked/Somehowââ¬âI know not howâ⬠(line 31-32). As we come to the ending of the poem for the first time, the reader feels nothing but sympathy and understanding for the Duke, but in the very last line, ââ¬Å"Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! â⬠we are struck by the spite hidden in his last statement. While on his way back to the party with the envoy, the Duke points out the statue of Neptune. This is just one of the many references the Duke makes that portrays his love for always being in control. After reminding the envoy of how his new bride shall be his own, ââ¬Å"Though his fair daughterââ¬â¢s self, as I avowed/At starting, is my object. â⬠(line 52-53), the envoy tries to get away from the situation in which the Duke has put him. But, rather than letting the envoy leave, for this would disrupt the Dukeââ¬â¢s power of control, the Duke insists that they return to the party together, ââ¬Å"Willââ¬â¢t please you rise? Weââ¬â¢ll meet/The company below, then. â⬠(Lines 47-48). While on the way back to the party, the Duke points out the bronze statue of Neptune as his leaving remark. It is no coincidence that the last piece of art the Duke refers to is that of Neptune, God of the Seas, controlling a seahorse. As if the Duke had not already pushed his need to control onto the envoy, the Duke completes the poem by leaving the envoy with a last ââ¬Å"hintâ⬠of what control the Duke thrives off of. The overwhelming sense of control that the Duke presents especially when he states, ââ¬Å"I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped togetherâ⬠(lines 45-46), causes the reader to suspend moral judgment upon the Duke. Having the Duchess as a painting instead of a person, appeases the Dukeââ¬â¢s desire to control. The Duke explains how he felt as if he did not have proper control over her when she was alive, but now that he has her in a painting, controlling her is easily done, ââ¬Å"This grew; I gave commands;/Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands/As if alive. â⬠(lines 45-47). She is trapped in the frame of the painting, underneath the curtain that only he can draw. When the Duke begins to describe how unpleased he was that the Duchess was, ââ¬Å"too soon made gladâ⬠(line 22), we begin to question what really happened to the Duchess. The Duke even indicates the relative subordination of the Duchess to himself throughout the poem, confirming his need to control, ââ¬Å"and if she let/Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set/Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuse,/ââ¬âEââ¬â¢en then would be some stooping; and I choose/Never to stoop. â⬠(lines 39-43). We judge the Duke because we prefer to participate in his power-ridden manifestation that he exhibits to the envoy. The Duke even allows himself to assure that the new bride herself, not the dowry, is of course his object, ââ¬Å"Though his fair daughterââ¬â¢s self, as I avowed/At starting, is my object. (line 52-53). Here, one side of the Dukeââ¬â¢s nature is taken to its furthest limit. The need to judge the Duke is taken into full consideration when we see how controlling yet put together the Duke seems to be. The reader is constantly torn between feeling sympathy for a true lover of the arts or judging a villain who killed his own wife. One can see how Browning leaves the poem with many ambiguous points, causing the reader to interpret the meaning of a situation. Browning writes the poem in this way in order to make us relate to the Duke. Throughout the poem, the reader can see how the Duke values aspects of his life that he can control. The Duke continuously wants control over his women, art, and nearly everything else in his life. By leaving uncertainty in the poem, Browning leaves us wanting to fill in the blanks, essentially controlling parts of the poem and even the outcome. The major scene in which Browning does this in the very beginning of the poem, ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s my last Duchess painted on the wall,/Looking as if she were alive. â⬠(lines 1-2). By simply including the word ââ¬Å"lookingâ⬠, Browning leaves the reader in question. Is she ââ¬Å"lookingâ⬠as if she were alive because she is no longer alive? And if so, what happened to her? Did someone kill her? Who killed her? Did the Duke kill her? Did he kill her because she never saw him as anything better than they men she met every day? Or, is she ââ¬Å"lookingâ⬠as if she were alive because the painting is so amazing? Is he just admiring the realism that Fr Pandolf portrayed in the portrait of the Duchess? These are just some questions that reader may imagine with the vagueness that Browning implements throughout the poem, leaving the reader to interpret the Dukeââ¬â¢s situation however they like. Browningââ¬â¢s monologues plunge the reader into a world where every statement must be taken with a grain of salt. None of the Dukeââ¬â¢s statements are considered trustworthy; therefore, we are continuously on guard, ready to protect ourselves and more importantly our moral sense. The Duke could even be considered somewhat of a liar. However, we do realize that the Duke often attempts to stretch the truth and use his words to alter his listenersââ¬â¢ perception of and attitude towards certain things, most notably the speaker himself. This style of writing allows for the speaker to have a certain amount of control over the language of the story as well as the world that the speaker presents in the story. Although this is true, there is always some disruptive force that can potentially torment the speakerââ¬â¢s purposes, ultimately transforming the life of the story.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Life Of A Big Event - 843 Words
In June of 2014, I was apart of a big event. Not only was this event big for me but it was big for my whole family, especially my sister Fallon. She got married and I was her Maid of Honor. It was the most nerve wrecking yet amazing thing to be apart of. People who do not have fears of standing in front of a hundred people or so would not be bothered by it, but since I have this fear it was a struggle. From finding a dress, shoes, hair, etc. we struggled to get it all done, but we made it. When my sister first got engaged, her and Andrews wedding was not supposed to be until June of 2015. They both wanted to finish school and save up as much money as they could. The next thing I found out was the wedding was being held back but I was not given a reason. I was absolutely devastated. I was so extremely excited and then I thought they would never get married. After a few months of thinking this way, my sister came over one day and said, ââ¬Å"Better get ready because the wedding is in five months.â⬠My jaw dropped I could not believe it. They had found a place and decided to just do it now, even though they were on a tighter budget. Dress shopping was the worst! The wedding colors were blue, white, and silver accents. I wanted a long dress but the bridesmaids wanted short dresses. My sister liked the idea of the Maid of Honor having a different style dress so that is exactly what we did. I had tried on so many styles of dresses and just could not find the right one.Show MoreRelatedAdvantages of Living in a Big City1121 Words à |à 5 Pagesliving in a big city Big city is an exciting place to be in, itââ¬â¢s full live and movement 24 hours a day. Live is very easy. All facilities are available schools, hospitals and malls. à In addition, there are the wide streets and tall buildings. 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At such a young age she is very naà ¯ve about certain situations but learns how things really are throughout the novelRead MoreEssay on A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking1532 Words à |à 7 PagesA brief history of time by Stephen Hawking is a novel about the known range of time from the big bang up to black holes. Hawking talks about different theories and how t hey have changed over time from Copernicus to himself. He combines all known physics and astrophysics and displays them quickly and simply. He states that the goal of science is to able to accurately describe the universe in one theory. As he tells about theories that have disproved other theories of that time, it is proof that scienceRead MoreImagine Living At The Year 1960933 Words à |à 4 Pagesyear ago, American life possessed a different culture. Now flash forward to 2016. Expressing happiness about civil rights and space exploration seems pretty redundant because we acquired these luxuries quite some time ago. Similarly, history shown through the October and November issues of The Wheelââ¬âthe St. Catherine University newspaperââ¬âdisplays the idea that the Katies in 1960 experienced life much differently than they do today. The Wheel depicts the contrasting aspects of life between Katies
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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